11 Steps To Create A GDPR Compliant Email Opt In On A Kajabi Landing Page

by Caroline Onyedinma

Got GDPR Consent? 

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) affects you if your business is based in the European Union (EU), or you process the personal data of of individuals who live in the EU or have EU rights.

The internet has no global boundaries, so if you are list building this probably affects your business.

 GDPR regulation dictate the consent you obtain must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous.

Creating a email opt in that ask for explicit consent to send further content is the first step in becoming compliant.

Here is the 11 step roadmap on how to do this with Kajabi.

Step 1

Change inline call to action forms to a two step optin. This increases conversion rates and keeps the look and feel of your page less cluttered.

Step 2

Navigate to Marketing >> Forms

Create a Kajabi form for your freebie. The trick here is to add a custom form field of type radio buttons. The GDPR subscribe alternatives go here.

 Yes I want to receive the freebie and more additional content

No, I just want the content.

We run up on a conversion quandary right here. We want everyone to say yes right. But the pesky GDPR gods dictate we must give a choice.

So how do we drive conversions up even though they are free to say no?

With your persuasion guys. It’s all in your messaging and copy. Pay attention to how you position the opportunity to opt in.

Consider this example from Amy Porterfield an Online Marketing Influencer. She does a perfect job of inducing FOMO (fear of missing out).

How could you not opt in?

 Some persuasion tips include:

  • Adding humor
  • Changing the positioning so additional content feels like a gift and a favor
  • Adding scarcity or exclusivity - she talks of exclusive or special offers

 Got it?

Don’t be scared that giving subscribers the choice to consent to further content will kill your list building efforts.

It’s not what you say but the way you say it that'll have subscribers excited to be a recipient of further content.

Look at GDPR as your regulatory list bodyguard. You want eager subscribers on your list! Not reluctant freebie moochers who fell they’ve been railroaded into receiving offers that they'll never buy. 

Step 3

Here’s where Kajabi automations come to the expert’s rescue.

All “opter inners” are subscribed to the freebie email regardless.

All “opter inners” are tagged according to the freebie topic category

Tagging by freebie topic as soon as someone subscribes is sound email segmentation practice. It’ll allow you to send (if consented), relevant content and offers.


Step 4 

We’ve approached the GDPR send more content or nahh, cross roads.

Great you’ve got the green light to nurture and relationship build to your hearts galore with great content.

They indicated NO (Step 4.2)

If the subscriber said hell to the no to receiving additional content. Respect their wishes.

Use automation on the Freebie Form to add a  “DO-NOT-DISTURB” tag, ( or whatever you prefer to call it)

This tag indicates that this contact doesn’t want to be disturbed. Consider it the virtual door hanger on a hotel guest door. Don’t bother them with any more content, unless notified further. OK.

Not to fret. Virtual guests remove the door hanger when it’s time for room service. Similarly you’re tag can be removed if your subscriber later decides they do want to be fed with good content.

They indicated YES (Step 4.1)

 Consider that they may have opted out on a previous freebie and already tagged DO-NOT-DISTURB

Always add this critical undo their GDPR no further content choice by always removing the “DO-NOT-DISTURB” that may already be present. If it’s not there. No harm done.


Step 5

The freebie sequence should be delivered instantly because the sequence only contains ONE email in it that delivers the freebie and with other welcome chit chat

Navigate to settings on the email sequence and you will be able to add Kajabi automations that kick off after the email sequence is ended.


Step 6.1

Use an automation conditional to check if the contact has DO-NOT-DISTURB tag. If yes STOP. 

They’ve already indicated they don’t want any further content. Be a good expert we and respect their wishes.

 Arggghhhh, I know it’s hard.  After all your content is valuable and helpful. But you gotta resist.


Step 7

This is the case where the subscriber indicated they wanted to be showered with more of your fabulous, valuable content.

Great! Let’s send them more content with the help of a further automation.

First add a IN-NURTURE tag.

This indicates that the subscriber is receiving nurture emails We can use this tag decide to hold off sending other campaign emails. This way the subscriber will not be bombarded with emails from different promotions at once.


Step 8

Subscribe them to the nurture email sequence that is relevant to the topic they opted in for.


Step 9  

The nurture email has ended.

Add an automation to remove the IN-NURTURE tag, indicating the subscriber is free to receive emails from different campaign sequences. 


Step 10

Use a “doesn’t have tag” conditional check to see if the “DO-NOT-DISTURB” tag is present.  


Step 11

If not present Add a CHIT-CHAT”tag. This indicate the subscriber is free to receive "Seinfield" emails sequence, your general everyday emails that builds the know, like, trust confidence to buy from you.

So there you have it. The complete steps to get GDPR consent from your subscriber before adding them to your list and honoring their right to not have further content sent.


Next Steps

You understand the logic, but all strategy and no systems make <insert name> a poor entrepreneur.

It's time to take action and implement this bad boy!


Caroline xxx

Please note this article is not intended to give any legal or GDPR legal advice.

Please seek a legal professional who is familiar with EU law to make a informed decision on how you should implement GDPR in your own business



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